Eco-Devo Service Day
Team Eco-Devo spent this morning taking a tour and volunteering at Boysville; organized by the Chief Development Officer (and Eco-Devo team member), Beth Green.
Beth led the team to our special assignment… “Mission Clean the Barn”.
The barn was previously used for 4H, but since Boysville stopped participating in the 4H program, the huge barn had turned into more of a storage unit. However, there are plans to use this space for a Vocational Training Classroom and it was in need of some love. Team Eco-Devo was tasked with clearing out a portion of the barn to help them get started with the plans. I would say we exceeded the expectations by clearing out nearly half of the barn!
A lot of dust and a couple of giant spiders later, Team Eco-Devo accomplished the task and celebrated with a team lunch.
Boysville Mission Statement – “Provide a safe family environment for children in need so they may become responsible adults.”