Leadership San Antonio is recognizing several exemplary members who are going above and beyond during the COVID-19 crisis. Today’s spotlight is on Carmen Aramanda, Programs Manager at Trinity University.

How do you uniquely contribute to San Antonio (during this time)?

We’ve been doing our individual part to stay inside and practice safe distancing and wearing face coverings in public. In addition, we’ve increased our giving to charities and focus on sharing positive and uplifting messages online.

I love LSA because… everyone in the program feels passionate about their professional growth and building a community. I also love that each person in the program also feels truly responsible for the success of the City.

How can LSA show we care and are ready to help?

I’m grateful LSA made the decision they did to extend the year and to move our programming online. I was disappointed at how long it took to make that decision and am concerned by anyone promoting easing social distancing and working from home measures. LSA can show they care by promoting messages of resiliency, hope, and showing how everyone can step forward to be the leaders we aspire to be.