Leadership San Antonio is recognizing several exemplary members who are going above and beyond during the COVID-19 crisis. Today’s spotlight is Justin Simone.

What do you do?

IT Consulting / Accenture Federal Services

How do you uniquely contribute to San Antonio (during this time)?

1. Follow CoSA declarations, Orders, and guidance; 2. Shop local whenever possible, taking advantage of curbside and delivery options; 3. Check in on neighbors — ensure my actions contribute to a feeling of community; 4. Make financial donations when I do not feel comfortable (yet) giving time and/or being physically present; 5. Support the Food Bank directly, through organizations that channel partial proceeds back to the Food Bank, signed to provide food delivery in mid-June; 6. Share no contact ways to support the community (i.e., UnitedWay Thank-a-Thon) with all San Antonio-based employees in my organization; 7. Support LSA peers innovating to help protect, and potentially save, others.

I love LSA because … It is comprised of people who are all willing to help out city get through this difficult time.  We have first responders, innovators, financial supporters, and those willing and able to give time.  Not only do we watch out for our city, we watch out for — and check in on — our own.  There is a realization that the path to normal will differ for every member of the class as no two situations are the same, but we all are going something to affect positive change.

How can LSA show we care and are ready to help?

Continue to share areas of need and solicit a broad spectrum of support.  Lead by example and adhere to Metro Health’s guidelines.  Receive updates from steering committee members on the Mayor’s task forces and hear firsthand what is being done, what is in the works, and use information and solid data to drive how we can best contribute without taxing an already stressed system.