Leadership San Antonio is recognizing several exemplary members who are going above and beyond during the COVID-19 crisis. Today’s spotlight is on, Thea Setterbo, Director of Marketing for Hemisfair.
How do you uniquely contribute to San Antonio (during this time)?
Though I have worked for service-focused organizations throughout my career, often responding directly to crises that impact our community on a massive scale, I have fallen in love with volunteering on the front lines during this time. The San Antonio Food Bank immediately mobilized to expand access to basic needs for those who needed it most during the pandemic, and it has been an honor to serve alongside hundreds of other volunteers sorting, organizing, and loading fresh produce and shelf-stable foods into the vehicles of our fellow San Antonians. I also volunteered in the Food Bank’s Urban Farm for the first time harvesting cabbages. There is a powerful and humbling feeling that comes with witnessing and participating in the process of feeding our community from beginning to end. We are all connected.
I love LSA because … the opportunity Leadership San Antonio provides to reach across business sectors and expertise and sides of town to make our city better for all who live here. Though we’ve had to pivot to a digital platform this year, it’s been helpful to “see” my classmates’ faces on a regular basis and continue growing in our understanding of the issues facing San Antonio and how to actively participate in the solutions.
How can LSA show we care and are ready to help?
Volunteer! Whether for an hour or a day, once or regularly. Shop locally, opting to spend your money with local and small San Antonio businesses who make our city run. All non-profit organizations are hurting operationally right now, so give when you can to support those employees and the services they provide.