Leadership San Antonio’s 44th class ushered in a new cohort of leaders earlier this month during a social hour at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. The event followed LSA 45’s first-class day where the class members learned about leaving a legacy, which made incorporating alumni with the new class an important point to drive home. The message of being good stewards of the LSA program was reiterated by the joint effort for the social hour and the alumni presence.

“For more than 45 years, LSA has carried a legacy of connecting over 1,900 of central Texas’ top business, civic and philanthropic leaders,” LSA Alumni Association Chair Juan Cano (LSA 43) said. “In 2020, we will reconnect these leaders, creating opportunities for forging alliances that will bring prosperity to our city for decades to come.”

Since 2016, there has been a groundswell effort to organize and promote reconnecting the entire LSA family. LSA 44 not only fulfilled its promise of ushering the new class into the fold but also pledged to help connect alumni from the past 45 years. The LSA program is more than one class, it’s a network of leaders from all walks of life united in the goal of wanting to make San Antonio its best possible self.

This year, LSA 44, Cano and many others hope members of past LSA classes will join the alumni association and rediscover the reasons they applied for the program in the first place – the experience, the camaraderie, the drive, the vision, and the lasting friendships. Please visit:–4821/details to pay your yearly dues and visit the LSA website at for additional details.